Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad Hand!!!

Looking forward to your trip out here in October -- if you didn't receive your know who to contact ;-) Hope you have a great day!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm Going to Go Crazy!!!

Would the Cardinals clinch already?

Monday, September 21, 2009

And the Rain, Rain, Rain Came Down, Down, Down

UPDATE #2 (Saturday, 26 Sep): Raining again all day. Hopefully the Cardinals will clinch tonight!

Well, my parents got here a week ago tonight and it's rained every single day since they got here. And it hasn't just sprinkled, it has poured and poured and poured. The flooding has gotten so bad that most of the schools are closed tomorrow, including Cam and Kelsie's. Our creek in the back of the house has become a mini-river, but not causing any problems. So, my folks are tired of waiting for the sun and are heading out tomorrow. Only problem is, I think they are heading back to rain at home. Hopefully they will time it right and at least see some sun as they drive.

UPDATE #1: THE SUN IS OUT TODAY (Tuesday); of course my parents left this morning.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Relax the Back, Karo Syrup Bars, & the Family Room Revisited

Nita came to ATL last weekend and I took her to the hottest tourist attraction in the area -- the Relax the Back Store. Who knew? This place is amazing! I don't have neck or back issues, but I still loved it. We went there in search of a pillow to help Nita's neck problems and what we got were neck exercises, zero gravity chairs, massages, a neck traction thing, and of course the pillow when it was all said and done. I was so impressed with this place I took my parents there this week too. I about killed my mom by putting her in the massage chair -- oops! So, if you come and visit us, beware!!!

You wouldn't believe the kind of contraptions they had in this store for people with neck/back problems. Normally I would not want to post the picture above, but to be fair, I am posting it so I can post the one below ;-) CUTE and captures our field trip.

After we were relaxed, on to the karo syrup bars, Nita's speciality.

Long story, but let's just say that now we can see our fireplace -- we moved the tv and flipped the furniture and much to my surprise, I love it! The room seems so much bigger and it just works so much better. Nita visualized it and made it happen!!!! ;-)

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th

It's hard to believe it's been 8 years. Let's remember all of those who were killed that day and all of the families that were affected. Also, pray for the men and women who wear the uniform today and our leaders. I hope that we continue as a country to strive to protect our country from evil.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pool, Party, Picnic, Pit

We spent Saturday-Monday in Nashville with friends. Here are a few pix:

Amanda's birthday was Saturday so we helped her celebrate:
The Residence Inn had a nice pavilion with BBQ's so we had a little picnic on Sunday:

Sunday night we played Pit until the wee hours of the night ;-) Some people got out of control ringing the bell which brought the hotel staff to the front desk looking for customers quite a few times ;-)

Oh golf was involved, but since I wasn't invited to play, you will have to check out Kenny's blog for those pix!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mashed Potato(e)s!!!

First of all, I can never remember how to spell that word - didn't Dan Quayle get crucified b/c he didn't know how to spell it? In his honor, I refuse to use spell check.

Anyway, on to the the huge news of today. I know it will shock some of you and embarass my mother (mom, it really isn't your fault - I'm lazy), but I am telling you right now, I, me, mwa, made mashed potato(e)s for the first time ever tonight -- the first time ever on my own from start to finish. Yes, I have run the mixer for my mom before, etc, but I never thought I could make them like my mom, so why in the world bother? But, Kelsie has been asking me to make these hamburgers with gravy that Vicky makes so when I was talking to Vicky yesterday, I finally remembered to ask her about these hamburger things. So she told me how to make that and said she makes mashed potato(e)s with them. There was my dillema. Do I make the special burgers and pull out a bag of pretzels or chips to go with them? That didn't seem right. So, I broke down and did it. And, if I do say so myself...YUM! And, since Kelsie said my blog is getting boring with no pictures, I pulled out the camera and took a picture of the food -- believe me, these pix do not do them justice (lol)!!!