Sunday, October 4, 2009


Happy October -- for those of us who work for your Federal Government, it is FY10 (fiscal year 2010), can't believe it. We are in full swing here -- it's the last day of the regular major league baseball season, which always brings with it a sort of sadness for me. Thankfully the post season starts Wednesday for the Cardinals. I am nervous about it since we did not finish too strong.

Cameron's fall baseball is in full swing with the rain finally allowing him to get in 2 games this past week. Watch out next week, 4 games in 4 days as they are trying to make up the rainouts. Obviously I haven't gotten any good pics yet this fall of him, since I am posting this one:

Believe it or not, this is a weed pulled out of the crazy Georgia landscaping when my parents were here.

Here's Cam just taking a random pic of himself. Kelsie spent this past weekend in Jasper, GA (I think) on a youth retreat with her Church group. She has homecoming in 2 weeks and Grandma and Grandpa Hand, Aunt Gena and Uncle Philip are coming for a visit, we are very excited.

And last, but certainly not least, my husband has taken up tennis. If you have seen his blog you already know this, but thought I would post one pic -- I have done a terrible job of filming him -- I think it's b/c the sun is beating down every time I try and take a picture. I have been helping him practice and who knows, I might join a team in the spring.



Anonymous said...

The Cardinals are going down!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello? you cannot remain anonymous with a statement like that!