Friday, June 22, 2007

Picnic at SAFB

The kids got to come to work with me yesterday for the "A7" picnic. After cleaning out the snack cabinet and fridge with Elaine's girls :), Jenn was nice enough to take them all over to the picnic grounds while Elaine and I finished up some work. Here's how the day looked:

Hopefully Connie's cube isn't too trashed when she comes back to work :) I think there was only one spill and it was all over a MIPR I didn't want to review anyway! HAHA -- my friends from work will know what that means. :)

The girls came in 3rd place in the egg throwing contest -- egg throwing! Yes, I couldn't believe it myself! I won't even mention the watermelon eating contest -- it got ugly :)

It was a wet afternoon!


Mom said...

Boy,has the workplace changed. It appears that everyone is enjoying the day.

Sheri said...

Work? Work? Are we really supposed to work?

Anonymous said...

omg [[oh my gosh]] that was so fun!! the egg contest was so fun and so was the water balloon contest... but the water melon contest wasnt "as fun"...dont ask...nicole was so nice im gllad we met and her sister was so cute. we had so much fun in connies ofice...(sryy connie for that one "little" spill) :)...

it was a lot of fun -- nicole if u c this i lost your screen name so if u can write it down that would be good thanks.



:-)Elaine said...

It was a good time, great pics.

Anonymous said...

I swear to everyone out in the blogosphere... my hair doesn't always look that bad!! Dang kids (& Sheri & Bulldog) with their dang waterguns!! HA! HA! What a GREAT time. I will have to "pack heat" next year!!