Friday, August 15, 2008

A Few Moments in Time

It has been a week filled with many emotions. It's been exciting, scary, encouraging, sad, happy, busy. Right now Kelsie is at her 1st babysitting job since we arrived in GA. She was very excited and I am excited for her. Cam is spending the night at our next door neighbor's house. I guess they are settling in. They have both come home happy from school each day. Of course I ask Cam every was school? "It was ok", he says in passing. So I asked him, "what would have to happen at school for you to tell me it was a good or great day?" "We would have to do NO SCHOOLWORK." Ah, I said, guess I shouldn't hold out for that. One last thing for tonight: There was a "back to school" pizza party tonight at our pool. I laughed to myself as I walked in and my eyes happen to catch a group of 5th grade girls watching Cam come in and "softly" screaming to each other "Cameron's here" "hey! Cameron's here" "Cameron's here". Oh my, what are we in for?


Anonymous said...

It doesn't sound like Cam's going to need any ego boosting. So glad to hear that everyone is adjusting well. Just came across pictures last night of us babysitting for Kelsie, while you were at a Cardinal game. She was just a baby & now she's babysitting. Unbelievable, where has the time gone?
Love, Mom H.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, I remember that! I think you came out when she was 6 months old, that would have been in August, baseball season. I remember those pictures well of you holding Kelsie on our blue checkered couch in the Bellefontaine house. I don't know where the time goes, it's sure something. Can't wait to be taking pix of you guys in ATL now!!!

Unknown said...

Yes, how time does fly. Kids do grow up in a hurry. But good the parents/grandparents don't get older!!!!!

Rich said...

Cam definitely takes after his uncle Rich more than his Dad:)