Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cardinals vs. Braves

First, the good news: The Cardinals took 3 out of 4 from the Braves. The bad news, of course, is that we were at the game they lost. But...we still had a great time with the St. Louis Linn's! Take a look...

We were decked out in our Cardinal red and there were a lot of other Cardinal fans there. None of them were sitting too close to us, though, so it was hard to get a rally cry together.

The Cardinals' hope for our season -- we need Carpenter and Wainwright pitching regularly! Click on the pic to enlarge it, you will get a good look at them.

Albert-0h needs no introduction. His 1st at bat, smashed a double and 2 runs started out so promising.

Can't wait for their next visit (I have more pix to post and some mail that they brought down for us...soon, soon). And we can't wait for your visit!


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a good time, but too bad the Cards lost that game.
Your next group is on their way.

The Crokes said...

Hehe, Cameron, what did dad say would happen? You are a bad luck charmmmmmm!! (inside joke)

Anonymous said...

Sure looks like fun....maybe next summer the Frakes' can join's been a long time since we've seen a Cardinal game.......Angela

Anonymous said...

We're waiting for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

long time reader, first time commentor....maybe the cardinals should let wainright go back to the closer role. I bet they would win a lot more games.

Anonymous said...


I think he just needs to complete all of his games and work the closer role in between starts!