Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Cameron's friend Hunter had to go out of town this week and the boys cooked up a plan for us to ferret-sit! I'm not going to lie to you, I thought ferrets were basically big rats so I was not thrilled at the idea. However, after Hunter's mom insisted they are more like cats, well, they needed help, so here's Fifi. Now, I won't go so far as to say she is like a cat, but she's not a rat either. Cam has been really responsible taking care of her. She is interesting to watch too.


Anonymous said...

Will the Hands be adding a ferret to their family?
They are cute, but I've heard they take a lot of care keeping them clean. Much more work than Jewel I'm sure.

Sheri said...

NO!!!! She's ok, but no animal will remain in the house for an extended period of time who poops in a cage -- I don't mind the litter box, but NO STINKY CAGES!!!

Anonymous said...

awwwww, fifi is soooo cute!!!
you should get a ferret!!

Anonymous said...

You should get a ferret Aunt Sheri. They are really fun and after you get tired of them you can always cook them. They taste delicious.
Joseph M.

Aunt Sheri said...

Dear Joseph M. my nephew. YUCK!