Friday, December 4, 2009

'Tis the Season

I was hoping to post some Thanksgiving pictures tonight but for some reason the picture card and the computer are not cooperating with each other. Hopefully later.

Tonight was my first round robin tennis practice with my mixed doubles team! EEK! I was very nervous. Thank goodness Kenny was there to show me the ropes ;-) We had a good time -- even though I didn't even get to warm up!

Tomorrow Kelsie has a horse show. Temperatures are supposed to warm to 40 -- 40, can that be considered warm? Not to me. It's going to be freezing in the morning.

The Christmas tree is up. The nativity is not...yet...hopefully tomorrow.

It's going to be a very busy December...I ordered Christmas cards tonight and will pick them up from Walgreens in the morning. I miss being able to get the kids' pictures taken at Elizabeth Ann Photography and order the cards from Julie, but hopefully these will turn out ok.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy those warmer temps. Dad said it's to start snowing here this afternoon and snow for several days. I hope they're wrong.
We'll be anxious to hear from Kelsie's horse show today.

Sheri said...

Oh I don't want snow!!! Or Cold!!! Kelsie got a 3rd place ribbon today, so she did great. She was a little upset because she thought she could have gotten a 1st, but that's ok!!! Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

nice background... its the same as alison croke's : )

alison :) said...

Here's a template that mom thought you might like...(from the cutest blog on the block)

and here's a tip for when using The Cutest Blog on the Block:
After you pick your background and make it the background of your blog, go to where it says Pick New Template (on Blogger) and make your template the one called Minima White. Then you can fool around with the fonts and colors until everything matches. :-)

Aunt Sheri said...

Oh Alison! I need you here to help me -- I am just not that good at that stuff, and I think it takes me 5 times as long. Maybe soon I will try it on my own -- I was just proud of myself for "finding' this one -- I didn't really find it, I saw it on your mom's and went there. By the way, I tried to go to your blog and it say my invitation had expired??? Can you set me back up? Thanks!

alison said...


alison :) said...

jsyk, i sent the invite to your work email address...

Aunt Sheri said...

Alison, can you please send it to my home e-mail because my work e-mail blocks all blogs -- they're no fun ;-)! Thanks,

Anonymous said...
