Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm Back....and Shoes

I made it back safely from the cruise, had a great time with my sister and friends. I'll write more about that after I get myself back in order. But...for any of you who saw my husband's blog before he took it down (in an attempt to hide it from me)...I found the pictures and he left them out for me to see. I just want to say...first, those are not all my shoes. Second, I am on a mission to develop a blog post just for him. ;-)


Aunt Sheri said...

PS: Happy birthday Lauren!!! Hope you had a wonderful day. I am late with your card though!!

Anonymous said...

I just want to you to know that it was one of the funniest blog post I have read lately. Hopefully he saved it in a secret file so he can repost it later