Friday, September 12, 2008

A Coincidence? I Think Not!

It's been a sick-ly week here. I came down with one of those summer colds. I hope that I am on the mend. I will say that when I get a little under the weather, it reminds me to be thankful for the healthy days!

God has blessed me with some deaf friends and some hearing friends who interpret/sign, and I have had the privilege of learning a lot of sign language over the past several years. I had hoped to enter an interpreting program at a local college here, but it just didn't work with our schedules this year. We are going to a Church that hires an interpreter and has one deaf lady (maybe more but she is the only one I have met). I hope to be able to get involved with the deaf here one way or another. Anyway, here comes the cool thing: I am working in AWANA at the Church Cam is going to AWANA at. I just started this past Wednesday. I was in the room, waiting for the kids to start arriving and the lady that I will be working with came in the room and introduced herself. What a nice lady! Guess what she does for a living? She is a teacher for the deaf and hard of hearing in the school district here. Is that cool or what? A coincidence that we will be working together? I think not. I think the Lord worked that out and I look forward to seeing what else He has in store.


Anonymous said...

amazing isn't it?

Unknown said...

Another thing we see in God's plan.

Anonymous said...

How cool is that!!!

Anonymous said...

How coincidental or is it! Sheri, you are certainly becoming very involved in the community. That's great.
Mom H.

Angela said...

What a blessing! Where are you guys going to church? Sorry if I've missed it.