Saturday, December 27, 2008

What More Could a Woman Want for Christmas?

Well, I have a lot I want to share with you, but for the moment I will share this. My Christmas was made complete with the one gift every woman not only wants, but needs...

You are probably wondering, "what put the smile on her face?"

Look closer....Yep, after all of these years, all of the Christmases, I finally got the one perfect gift...

You decide...Mr. Wonderful above, or Mr. Wonderful below? The one above tells me everything I want to hear..."Sure dear, we can run to the mall for a new pair of shoes!"...."Why doesn't your mother stay another week?"..."I'll tag along and carry your bags"... "Of course you don't look fat in that dress...nothing could ever make you look fat".... and the list goes on.....

This man, on the other hand, never has a kind word to say to me - unless you think - "Is dinner ready?" or "Have you cleaned my clothes?" are kind words. He certainly isn't Mr. Wonderful!!!
PS: this is the real Sheri back posting. I have changed my password so that my wonderful husband can't hack in anymore.
What I originally posted was, this man doesn't look that he waiting for me to give him "Mrs. Wonderful"???? :-)


Unknown said...

We did have a lot of fun with Mr. Wonderful.
I think Ken's picture was taken after he watched Mama Mia - can't remember that singer that he liked so well!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Kenny, Your picture looks like a mug shot.

alison :) said...

Dad got mom a Mr. Wonderful a while back...


Anonymous said...

Out of all the pictures you took there are none of me what's up with that I thought I would make it in at least one. to Uncle Kenny that is pretty funny lol

Anonymous said...

more pix to come this is just the beginning. Youll make the blog.

Anonymous said...

sooo... when are you gunna put those pictures ?! ... (:

Anonymous said...

Is Mrs. Wonderful inflatable? ;-)