Monday, August 10, 2009

1st Day of School and the Weekend

The kids came home from their first day of school with good reports -- Praise the Lord! I failed to get their annual "sleeping before getting up for the 1st day of school" picture, they were both up way earlier than I was. But Kelsie got her own picture and I got one of them together before heading off for the day.


We had a fun day on Saturday with our STL friends the Linn's -- we went to the Zoo and to the Cyclorama. Even for those of us (me) who are not that into history, the Cyclorama was a really cool place!

Cameron and Kenny debating the Civil War with the reenact-er. Go to Kenny's blog for that discussion, it's over my head, I have no idea what they were talking about ;-)

Cam really loved the whole Civil War thing!

After that, we had pizza at Fellini's in Buckhead, it was a first class restaurant... ;-) let's just say my mom would have been blotting up that grease on the pizza with stacks of napkins -- it was tasty though.


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy first day of school guys