Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Great Adventure Book Club, Part II, and, Just a Little IDOL

Ok, just have to tell you again about my friend Vicky's Book Club -- LOVE it!!! (And I am really not biased - :) ) Anyway, she just put a new selection on there -- of course I am too lazy to get out of bed at this time of night to go get my credit card, but my selections are still in my "shopping cart" for tomorrow. Anyway, there are cool baseball books on there now (I am going to get 'the everything kids baseball book', but don't tell Cam, it's going to be a surprise - ha!), and also two of my all-time favorites, 'Five Minutes Peace' and 'The Hungry Caterpillar' -- I am ordering those for a friend of mine (I can't say who and why b/c sometimes she reads my blog -- don't even try and figure it out) :) Anyway again, was just excited about the new selections and thought I would share with you all.

Idol tonight: Well, David Cook did it again -- who knew he could sing Mariah -- now THAT's impressive. Brooke, well, I thought she was going to throw up during her song, did you see how her lips were shaking? Kristy Lee sings country Mariah Carey? Hummm, now that was interesting. 12 hours to come up with a prediction on who gets the boot???? The pressure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheri! Thanks so much for the shout out and the reviews on the books. I was up late adding info when I found your reviews. You put a smile on this tired face : ) Thank you! I will call you tomorrow. We have plans to be making.