Monday, February 23, 2009

Row, Row, Row Your Boat...

We woke Sunday morning to another flood in our basement. If you are counting, that's 2 since we moved here. Last time it was the air conditioner causing it, this time the water heater. Kenny's blog has a video and some humor to help with the annoying parts of the situation. Anyway, we now have a new water heater...up to Georgia code no less (can you say $$$$$), and you should have seen us fighting each other to get the first shower with the hot water; it had been since Saturday, but who is counting? The huge fans from the insurance company are still here and they should be, I have the wet socks to prove it.


Anonymous said...

Sheri, tell the insurance company that I'll be checking for mold under that carpet when I get there. Don't want anyone getting sick from growing fungus.

Anonymous said...

I guess there are times it's nice to be a renter. Sheri, do you recall the first time we met you?
Mom H.

Anonymous said...

Grandma, People don't get sick from growing fungus. If they did Cameron would be sick all the time because his feet have fungus growing all over them. Kelsie

Anonymous said...

Was it the first time I came out that you were out of hot water???? I do remember that! How did I survive, haha! One thing I know, I was much younger then!