Friday, April 25, 2008


Here are a few pix of the house we put an offer on. We'll see what happens, see what God's plan is on this. Yes, I am including a picture of the kitchen, just for fun. Although if I do not have a job, Kenny says I must cook and clean...come on job!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful house. The front actually reminds me of your house now.

Anonymous said...

The house is beautiful. Is this the one you bid on? Don't worry, there's always a job out there.
Mom H.

Anonymous said...

Disregard my question, I went back to view the house again and saw my question was answered. The house is even more beautiful!!
Mom H.

alison :) said...

I love it when houses have upstairs hallways like that one does!

Anonymous said...

Dear Wrighteous Met fan, one of the first things I said I DON'T want in a house was that walkway thing (upstairs hallway -- that made me laugh)! Those things make me "nervous" walking over them. Then came this house and there it is! Well, I will say that it didn't seem so bad in this house, it's not as long as in other houses. So, we'll see. Say, how are your Mets doing anyway?

Jenny said...

The house looks great! We can't wait to come and visit. You are in our prayers daily.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, I really appreciate that! We still don't know if this is going to be our house or not -- probably another week or week and 1/2 before we know. We will be so happy for you to come and see us ANYTIME!