Friday, January 30, 2009

Walgreens, Where Are You???

Does anyone else love Walgreens besides me? In my own defense, I have been doing better since I moved about doing my grocery shopping at Walgreens. HOWEVER, I still love to frequent the store occasionally. Especially when my mom e-mails me the weekly specials. We are fortunate enough to have a store nearby our's about the only one in the state of Georgia I think.

When Kelsie has horse lessons, normally I drop her off and Kenny picks her up. The times that I have dropped off and picked up, I don't really like to go home in between. Tonight was one of those nights. So, being the persistent Walgreens shopper that I am, I had Cameron in tow and we went in the FINAL direction from the horse farm that we hadn't search of...yes, Walgreens. On prior nights, I have failed in my search. Cameron cannot understand why CVS can't be the replacement. No! I have found that CVS doesn't come close to having the stock Walgreens has; the variety of stuff is severly lacking; and they are more expensive(Walgreens really does have some good deals sometimes). Ok, let me cut to the chase, I was once again, unsuccessful. I even got myself turned around in my search and had to call the horse lady to help me figure out where I was (although just as I was trying to explain which Campground road I was on, I ran into her Hyde road, thank the Lord).

So, if you feel like I do...Walgreens rules, and you have the financial wear-with-all to buy a franchise, I'll consider running it for you in the greater Atlanta metro area.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what is more pathetic. the fact the you go to walgreens like it it the mall or that grandma actually e mails you the ads. Do they not come in the morning paper down there?

Anonymous said...

also I have just been informed that if you go to the have a button you can click on that says "weekly ad" maybe you should try that

Anonymous said...

Who informed you of that? Also, I don't get a morning paper. And thirdly...Walgreens is better than the mall, haven't you heard???

Anonymous said...

My lovely wife informed me of that

Anonymous said...

Lovely and smart!

Unknown said...

Brant, FYI, ask Aunt S. if it isn't easier just to read the specials which I send to her than to read the entire ad. I usually know the important things she needs - cereal and bottled water.

Anonymous said...

LOL -- so true!!! Those are the staples everyone needs!!!

Angela said...

Don't cha have a Wal-Mart?

Anonymous said...

Don't you HATE going to walmart though -- especially when you just need a gallon of milk, a box of cereal, some paper plates??? LOL -- those are my staples! Run in and run out -- that's the Walgreens way!!!