Thursday, September 20, 2007

Grant's Farm

Wow, I have alot of shadows in these pictures, they are not very good, but I am posting them anyway. I wish I could post more -- I wish I could show you the real story behind this event (but that would mean I would be posting pictures of the kids in Cameron's class & I try not to post pictures of other people's kids unless I know it's ok w/the parents). Anyway, here's the story: one of the boys in Cam's class was invited to participate in Variety's day at Grant's Farm. Variety Children's Charity works with handicapped children, I am not sure of all of the details. Well, not only did they invite this child to come, but his entire 4th grade class. What a great day it was. My parents happened to be in town, so they came along with us. I watched Cameron pushing his friend in the wheelchair to see the nearby animals and to see the smiles on his face, it was priceless. I was proud of Cam being the friend he is. All of the kids, and the adults, had a great day. Variety did a wonderful job of making the kids feel welcome.


Unknown said...

It was a fun day - even for Grandparents. Such a lovely, interesting place.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea to expose children to the world of the handicapped. I'm sure everyone benefits. Good job Cam! Love, Grandma H.