Monday, August 20, 2007

My Early Review of Richie's Book

Ok, I have it in my hands..."My Life; Ignored!" (I think you are supposed to underline titles of books, but I can't find the underline key, so, " "'s it is). Alright, I have made it thru the forward, the preface, the introduction and part of Chapter 1 and I had to get a kleenex in the middle of the first forward. Alright, so maybe if you're not "part of this family" you wouldn't be grabbing for the kleenex box, but I can tell you that it's already making an impact on me! I brought work home tonight, of all nights. It may be a sleepless night. name was even spelled right! :)

Read on!


Anonymous said...

We can't wait...we should be rec'ing it anyday now.


Sheri said...

I enjoyed your forward, along with Kenny's, Chris' and your mother's. They all made me cry and then what Richie wrote about all of you and Gena and Philip. That is as far as I have gotten tonight. Kenny is enjoying it as well. I can't wait to have time to really get into it.

Sheri said...

PS...we miss you guys. Kenny and Cam are really looking forward to coming out there next week. Wish we were all coming out.

Anonymous said...

We're looking forward to them coming too. You know Tommy has his baseball & glove ready for a catch with Cameron.
