Monday, August 13, 2007

School Canceled...Because of Snow???!?!?!

Cameron came into our room this morning bright and early, about 6:30am. He likes to get on the computer before anyone else does...something about Club Penguin :) Anyway, he remembered it was the first day of school. Then I told him school was canceled because of snow! He's like, "No Way!", but he went to the window and lifted up the shades to find out for sure! No, it didn't snow, but school was canceled. I guess there was a storm overnight that knocked out power to some of the schools in the district, so they canceled all classes in the district. The exciting first day will have to wait...until tomorrow (hopefully).


Unknown said...

Cameron and Kelsie,
I'm sure would rather the cancellation could have been a bit later. I know you were excited to go today. Oh, well.
Grandma C.

Anonymous said...

from tom
where you dissapointed there was know snow! camron I cant wait for you to come to N.Y

Anonymous said...

Hi Tommy, I was very sad that there was no snow. I can't wait til we go to New York. See you there.
